Do you ever want to give a bottle of wine to someone and it just doesn't seem "gifty" enough? I had the same problem around Mother's Day this year and I went rooting through my drawers and found yellow yard sale stickers. It hit me to pop them all over the golden bottle of grigio that we were bringing for lunch...a few sticks, a little loopy ribbon, and Voila! A festive little treat of a gift! So simple, yet it really jazzed it up a notch. Do you folks have any quick fixes to punch up presents? Do tell.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Saturday, August 25, 2012
My Etsy favorites

I took a glimpse at my Etsy favorites list today and everything looked so pretty I thought I'd share them with you. Hope you're having a good weekend....Enjoy!

Thursday, August 23, 2012
A Visit
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Cha, Cha, Cha, Changes
Hey folks...I updated my blog. I'm very happy about the look and layout, and I even put the links to my DIY projects and my Recipes up on their respective page. Yahoo! I hope you enjoy the organization!
Monday, August 20, 2012
playlist, huh?
So I saw this great little piece of art on the Anthropologie facebook page the other day and it had a link to this playlist here for Spotify? Guys, I am an avid Pandora listener, so Spotify? Someone educate me because I downloaded it and had some fun with the playlist, but I have no idea what to do next. Is this a Pandora-like deal or what? C'mon folks, do not make me read the website or directions or something...gimme the cheat.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
I'm sorry to be rude, but I really mustache
Thursday, August 16, 2012
My cousin, Debbie, had this great little idea. She decided to write a letter...on paper, with ink, and an envelope and stamp (shocking, I know!)...and send it to one of our cousins (of which we have mmmmannnnyyy). Then she instructed said cousin to write one of her own and put both her letter and Debbie's letter into an envelope and send it to the next cousin on the list (me). When I got the letters I was enchanted. What a great idea. There were two handwritten letters, and even some of Cousin #2's cute little business cards and a brochure from the company she sells bags through called Thirty-One. So I got out some stationery, blew the dust off, and layed on my bed (yes, with coffee and magazine to thumb through) and wrote the story of my recent life on paper. Then I sent it off to the next in line. Soon I'll be getting a big envelope full of the rest of the letters as it comes back around.
One of the best things about this little penpal experiment is that these cousins are the people I spent every summer with as a child. My grandfather owned a strawberry farm and the whole family would gather there nearly every summer day of strawberry season, and work the farm. My cousin's and I (mostly girls aside from my brother and my cousin Josh) would run off and spend the day playing pretend, and feasting on sun-warmed berries and fudge pops while the grownups worked and the boys rode bikes. I think we all get to thinking about being together around this time of year, so this was a perfect, more intimate way to satisfy that urge. We all live far away from each other with families of our own now, and we don't always have time or money to travel back to the homeland, but this chunk of handwritten love full of summertime ponderings of the heart from all my gals makes everyone seem much closer.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
birfday shirt
This is an extension of the birthday post. My husband finds the coolest gifts ever and this is no exception...and yes, that is Abraham Lincoln riding unicorns. Locals, if you haven't visited the new art shop Kitsch then you're missing out on very sweet stuff made by Virginia artists. Stuff like my tee. Nuff said...oooo and double score.... Hall and Oates "You Make My Dreams" just came on Pandora! It's the little things. :)))))
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
right now
This is what I'm busy doing right now. Taking a break.
Today my kids and I did an archaeological dig in our sandbox. They were really incredibly good at it. We used string to mark out sections and they carefully dug, sifted, and brushed all of the items I had buried. Then we talked about each one and what questions they would each answer for a person who wanted to know more about our culture and society in the future. There are few things more satisfying to a homeschooling mom than her kids answering her questions with far more insight and thought than she expected!
This year we're doing a lot. Last year was a homey kind of year. No one loved it but we got through. This year my inspiration is overflowing so we're out to see the world, and to let it see us too. It's gonna be a good homeschool year.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
33 years old
I had a birthday on July 20th and let me tell you it just ended...2 days ago. I have been so spoiled by my friends and family this year. After people and gifts kept popping up all week unexpectedly at my house that just spoiled and suprised me, I took off for a road trip all alone on my way to visit
my bestie and sis-in-law in NC. I slept in, ate beautiful food, shopped at artsy shops, drank fantastic red wine, and enjoyed quality time with my friend.
When I got home I had a loverly birthday dinner that my mother-in-law gave for me...and later that week I spent some time with a couple of special gals at The Cheesecake Factory...I was excited cause I found a way to rock my new hippy dress with my flower wedges for that date! (not easy to do!)
It's been an amazing birthday. Thanks to all who made my 33rd a long and happy occasion!
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
11 year
On July 28th 2012 Chad and I celebrated our 11 year wedding anniversary. It's so cliche to say that I love him more than I ever have so far, but it's true. I think the reason that it's so cliche is because when you realize it's true it kinda takes you by surprise so you have to say it, and you end up just blurting it in a simple (cliche) exclamation: "I love you more today than I did when we were first married!" Who knew?
When Chad and I got married we found a set of vows that ended in the phrase "I pledge thee my faith". I love how those simple words put the emphasis not on our promise to perform, but on our promise to hope. Two people bonded by hoping together for many things: in God to sustain us, in one another to be a friend and confidant, in our lives working out, hoping for children, and needs met and adventure. Faith is hope in things unseen...and so is a marriage.
Looking back over the years I have hoped and have been blessed beyond my hopes...I have dreamed and have been given better than my dreams, and I have faith that the future will only be more fun, dangerous, exciting, wild, and strange than we could ever imagine. Thanks, Chad, for having faith with me in this crazy thing called marriage for 11 crazy years. I love you.
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