My husband has two living grandmothers and they both have this wonderful and adorable habit of sending their hand-me-downs to the different members of the family that they believe could use them. I always have a pleasant time weeding through the boxes, like a pirate digging for booty. So much of the things that come from them are unabashedly feminine, dainty, proper, and sometimes, dare I say it, precious! They are items from a time past where women were defined by their femininity. It's nice to return to that era for a moment or two...and enjoy every little button, the piping, the ruffles, the tiny flowers...without apology.
After rifling through the things they send I keep the treasures that suit me best, post some good vintage finds on Etsy, and pass on the others to goodwill or other parts of the family. Recently a rather large shipment came to my home from Rosa's house, or Meme Ro, as we call her. Here are some of my most recent handed-down treasures from the latest shipment:
A great belt...elasticized so you can wear it here... |
...or here. |
A gorgeously designed set of little cards that teach you how to wear a scarf in many different ways. |
When something is designed with so much care it makes you feel special just to hold it. |
Little leather gloves with piping and buttons... |
| | | | | | |
...still wrapped in their proper red box. |
Have you snagged any eye-catching castoffs lately?
That's awesome and so much fun! =]