Everyone knows that you eat more on vacation, right? Well, we did, and enjoyed every bite- even though the calories didn't take a vacation. We went to our favorite microbrewery
The Liberal Cup. If you are ever in Hallowell, Maine be sure to go there too. The beer is superb and the food is made to pair with it...it's a menu full of hearty, rough, manly, and ridicuouly delicious creations for your privileged stomach! Chad and I love it because the atmosphere, the regulars, the servers, the food and the beer are the closest we've been able to find to the wonderful pubs of Ireland that we enjoyed while we were abroad.
My husband ordered something amazing while we supped there...it was called Haddock Napoleon- beer-battered haddock on a big bed of garlic smashed potatoes topped with apple smoked bacon, spinach, and Morney cheese sauce. I wouldn't have thought of this one myself and what a flavor experience! So good, and so good with the beer!
...and then, of course, we had to drive out to get some homemade ice cream from a little Mom and Pop ice cream shop my Dad knew of. I couldn't tell you how to get there if I tried, but it was delish!