Sunday, January 29, 2012

chewy couture

Just fell in love with this little dress shop on Etsy called Rusty Cuts. Someone needs to buy me this little dress...I can wear it now until I'm too old to pull it off, then later I can give it to my 9 year olds future-wife for her wedding dress. He loves Star Wars. :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


 I never straighten my hair, but I decided to try it not too long ago. I had some fun taking some shots of it and it got even better when my daughter, Anduin, got in on the action. She's a natural. What do you think? It was fun for a day...but I think I like my waves!

Monday, January 16, 2012


I finally got outta my pajamas! I actually clean my house on Monday mornings and leave them on til all the dirty work is done. Today I tackled a few extra cleaning projects and with that on top of homeschooling and the regular what-not of the day it takes a while to get a shower and be human. So if you are my friend you already know this...but if you're not and are planning to be then f.y.i.- don't stop by on a Monday morning unannounced. It's not a pretty sight! :)

Glad to be back and blogging!